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CounterintuitiveBody | 23 points | Dec 07 2017 15:33:54

[EBOOK] Tibetan Book of the Dead (W.Y. Evans-Wentz Translation) [PDF, 18.0MB] | Megalinks MegaDB [EBOOK] Tibetan Book of the Dead (W.Y. Evans-Wentz Translation) [PDF, 18.0MB]

Apologies, I only have a PDF version of this book. I may have gotten this in a large Nonfiction book pack on this sub some months ago, I can't remember. Uploading (or possibly re-upping) due to my recent interest in this subject and the off chance that some like-minded persons will also be interested.

The Tibetan Book of the Dead | Megalinks MegaDB The Tibetan Book of the Dead, or The After-Death Experiences on the Bardo Plane, according to Lama Kazi Dawa-Samdup's English Rendering

Compiled and Edited by W.Y. Evans-Wentz

First published in 1927, this edition with a new forward by Donald S. Lopez, Jr. published 2000.

M | Megalinks MegaDB M (base 64): aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56LyMhY2lSQVdRcUQhckF2RU1zVHVVWEs3RUotWE91aDdXaGZOanlxWjhxVDRHXy14NW5sNUFpQQ==


The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying, written by Sogyal Rinpoche (EPUB)

The Psychedelic Experience, based on the Tibetan Book of the Dead (T. Leary, R. Metzner, R. Alpert)

If anyone has this, or books on related subject matter in EPUB format I would be greatly interested!

Enjoy, and keep living and growing.


[-] chagmed | 2 points | Dec 08 2017 00:45:28

Thx for upload. Keep in mind that Evans-Wentz' translation is not well-regarded. A number of better English translations exist.


[-] CounterintuitiveBody | 1 points | Dec 08 2017 02:32:25

Good to know, I had no idea. I will look into some other translations and if I find any that are worthwhile I will upload them here.

I found another PDF version of the book, but it is missing the covers and copyright info. Just says "mobsivac feb 2006" at the bottom of the title page. Since this version lacked any info on translation I did not post it here, but I have it uploaded and can post it if anyone says they are interested.


[-] TheGoodSheep | 1 points | Dec 07 2017 16:50:51

Interesting, thank you


[-] CounterintuitiveBody | 1 points | Dec 07 2017 19:28:35

You're welcome!


[-] TonySharkks | 1 points | Dec 07 2017 20:41:26

🤔🤔👁👁👁. Will give these a go!
