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ic_97 | 72 points | Mar 25 2017 15:27:38

[ANIME]Hunter x Hunter (Complete)BD-720p [Subbed] [11.69GB] | Megalinks MegaDB [ANIME]Hunter x Hunter (Complete)BD-720p [Subbed] [11.69GB]



[-] ic_97 | 4 points | Mar 25 2017 15:27:55

Key : !BN0JX6Ti9fRmTdQffow26g


[-] K-rloz | 4 points | Mar 25 2017 16:33:30

1999 or 2011 version?


[-] ic_97 | 6 points | Mar 25 2017 16:34:01

2011 my bad should have included that in title


[-] IgnoreMyName | 1 points | Mar 26 2017 06:34:51

Which is better in your opinion? Have never seen or read the series btw.


[-] [deleted] | 9 points | Mar 26 2017 06:42:58



[-] ic_97 | 3 points | Mar 26 2017 07:42:51

Yeah way better


[-] lapin0u | 1 points | Mar 26 2017 09:19:45

does the 2011 version change / expand the story ?


[-] Karate_Moses | 1 points | Mar 26 2017 07:30:37

I recommend watching the first episode of the 1999 series to get a little backstory that isn't included in the 2011 series. It will help you later in the series.


[-] FiniteStateAutomata | 1 points | Mar 26 2017 08:06:27

I second this. BUt if you read the manga and haven't started out the anime, i recommend to start with the 2011 version


[-] K-rloz | 1 points | Mar 26 2017 10:41:48

Visually 2011 is better, but with hxh you have to watch everything, for me the best way la watch 1999 until you run out of episodes, because until then the 2011 version cuts out a lot of story, then you continue with the 2011, but you can start where the 1999 left off, after the G. I. Final ovas.

And finally you have to read the manga where the 2011 finish, but sadly the manga isn't finish and won't be for years... They stop coming out a while ago.

Join the endless wait at /r/hunterxhunter (careful with spoilers)


[-] sneakpeekbot | 1 points | Mar 26 2017 10:41:56

Here's a sneak peek of <a href="https://np.reddit.com/r/HunterXHunter">/r/HunterXHunter</a> using the <a href="https://np.reddit.com/r/HunterXHunter/top/?sort=top&t=year">top posts</a> of the year! | Megalinks MegaDB Here's a sneak peek of /r/HunterXHunter using the top posts of the year!

#1: This gon | 35 comments
#2: I'm an illustrator that recently fell really hard for HxH! Here are my two favorite pieces "Blinding Light" and "Warm Shadow" | 44 comments
#3: [NSFW] Chapter 350 — Links & Discussion

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[-] kolt54321 | 3 points | Mar 26 2017 01:01:53

Highly recommend this version. The OP and ED were even cut from each episode to save more room... achieving this small size is no small task. I think Kamigami was the encoder?


[-] Pinecallado | 3 points | Mar 26 2017 04:20:17

Thank you! This is the perfect size for such a large series. The video quality actually looks pretty okay for such a small file size. x265 is really improving.


[-] thepizzalunchable | 2 points | Mar 25 2017 22:02:31

ahhhh nice. tyvm for this, its on top of my to-watch list


[-] choolete | 2 points | Mar 26 2017 13:59:20

Arrrgh! No opening nor endings :( I know is for the shake of the size, but this show has an awesome soundtrack, specially the openings and endings. Thank you anyways.


[-] ziddich | 1 points | Mar 25 2017 16:29:03

best anime

u/ic_97 can you do monogatari series possibly in x265

also jojos bizzare adventures


[-] ic_97 | 2 points | Mar 25 2017 16:48:36

its one of my all time favorites i don't have those so no for now


[-] asderxsdxcv | 1 points | Mar 25 2017 17:40:59

missing ep 13 and 26


[-] ic_97 | 7 points | Mar 25 2017 17:51:53

episode 13 and 26 were just recaps and hence not included


[-] asderxsdxcv | 1 points | Mar 25 2017 18:02:34

oh awesome :) thanks for sharing.


[-] sagethesausage_911 | 1 points | Mar 27 2017 04:52:04

Is this x264 or x265? Asking cause my ancient laptop can't play x265 files.


[-] ic_97 | 1 points | Mar 27 2017 04:57:54

Its x265


[-] LanzadorVerde98 | 1 points | May 12 2017 04:39:22

Where's the decrypt key / ?


[-] ic_97 | 1 points | May 12 2017 06:33:45

Its there in the comments look it up


[-] LanzadorVerde98 | 1 points | Jun 05 2017 05:12:15

Oh thank u my pal


[-] _splixer_ | 1 points | Jul 23 2017 15:36:52

Damn. Does anyone know who's the subber on this one?


[-] ic_97 | 1 points | Jul 23 2017 15:37:47

Nope but these were released by kami have any problems with the subs?


[-] Ninecawaii | 1 points | Aug 27 2017 11:53:50

According to Coalgirls it's retail sub.


[-] _ZamboniJones | 1 points | Aug 11 2017 07:05:15

How do I get subs to show? I'm using VLC and it says it has '[ASS] - [ENGLISH] under the sub menu, but nothing shows up when I select it. Halp?!


[-] ic_97 | 2 points | Aug 11 2017 07:08:33

Try again it works on my side..maybe update your VLC?


[-] _ZamboniJones | 1 points | Aug 12 2017 06:10:34

Thank you for the reply : ) And the upload, too! Instead of updating VLC (dunno why I didn't just do that to begin with :/), I decided instead to download another media player (Kodi) and that ended up showing the subs by default. Will now go update VLC and see if it makes a difference.
